Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Girl's Supper Club

Has anyone realized how theraputic eating with a group of like minded people can be? A shared meal is one of the most social things one can do in the society. Now add throw into this mix women of various background and experience,a glass of wine or two (really! only one or two!), a common obsession with somthing... ANYTHING viola! Instant Therapy group.

I'm lucky enough to be in one of these groups. See, I take a Food Writing Class at George Brown College (highly recommended!)and a bunch of us "foodie" girls like to ge together after class for dinner, a drink, and gossip, usually about food. And yes, it's possiable for a bunch of women to talk openly about the love of eating and the word "diet" not coming up once, other then in the context of " Can you BELIEVE that people would be crazy enough to go on a DIET?"

The regulars in the group usually include myself (duh!), a bonified food geek with zero professional chefing experience, Devonne, a young pastery chef, and Denise, who was once a cook but now teaches cooking at a home-cooking school. Occasionally, some of the other girls will join us: a message therpist, another lady who is studing to be a wine maker, a jockey.... Now, we're all women in very different time and stages of our lives, but we have that one thing in common, which is an obession with food and eating and dining.

We gather, we go to class, we chat about life, we eat. It's that simple. But as more then one of us has commented: we look forward to Monday all week simplly becasue we look forward to eating with each other. Its like the ladies from Sex and the City, but us, we skip the cocktails and head right for the entree.

That, dear reader, is the secret to my mental (in)stablilty.... ;)


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